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​Curriculum Plan

Course Introduction


The RMS Physical Education department believes that physical education is an essential part of students' scholastic experience. The goal of our program is to encourage students to develop an appreciation for physical activity and its many health-related benefits by exposing them to a variety of activities including individual and group activities, alternative environment activities, cooperative games, gymnastics, and sport experiences. Students will acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to improve their physical literacy and engage in purposeful physical pursuits.  


Children who adopt healthy habits and behaviours at an early age, are more likely to continue these behaviours into adulthood. There is also significant research to support the benefits of physical activity in relation to the brain development and mental health. When children meet the daily recommended amount of physical activity (60 mins/day) they are more likely to experience positive psychological, social, and cognitive health outcomes. Given current circumstances due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, engagement in physical activity will be especially important to help students manage stress and maintain overall wellbeing.


Assessment and Evaluation


When determining a students’ final grade:


  • Students will be evaluated on a daily basis using a 1-2-3-4 scale., in which students will be observed based on: Preparedness, Warm-up, Effort (Listening, Attitude, Fair Play) and Active Participation  

  • Students will also be assessed through skill development, quizzes, and assignments throughout the year

  • Students will have many opportunities to demonstrate completion of outcomes throughout the year. Learning trends over time will be considered, more recent student work and the teacher’s professional judgement


Each student is expected to join Google Classroom and complete assignments in a timely manner. 


Communication Tools


Ridgecliff Middle School will use a variety of methods to communicate student achievement throughout the school year.


  • PowerSchool (Gradebook)

  • Email or Phone

  • Curriculum Night, Parent-Teacher Interviews, Report Cards


Procedural Expectations



Self, Others, Environment/Equipment


Wear appropriate clothes and footwear

(NO jeans, flip-flops, boots, tank tops etc.)


Listen to and follow instructions & rules


Demonstrate positive attitude and behaviour


Students are NOT permitted in the weight room or equipment room without a teacher’s permission


Leave valuables in locker or store in teacher’s office.  Valuable left in changerooms are left at own risk.


Student Excuses


Over the years, we have experienced an influx of notes excusing student participation for minor reasons (i.e. cold, aches, pains). As a parent/guardian, please be selective when providing written excuses for your child. If a student is well enough to be at school or participating in outside physical activities ( i.e. hockey game , football practice, dance recital), they should be well enough to participate in all subject areas, including physical education.   We understand injuries and illnesses are a part of life, but if rest and rehabilitation are needed, they shouldn't be


In the event that a student cannot participate in class (i.e. severe physical injury), a written note from parents or guardians, doctor or physiotherapist MUST be provided. Again, parents/guardians should communicate the extent of injury and restrictive measures in place. This can also be communicated through email or by phone (voicemail).


In the event of any major injuries (i.e. broken bone, surgery etc.) please provide a medical timeline for your child’s return to participation in physical education.  Students will be provided with alternative assignments in order to meet outcomes.


Equipment Needs


Shorts, Sweats, Track Pants, T-Shirt (long or short sleeve), deodorant (No sprays, perfumes or musks)




Students will be provided with multiple opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities throughout the year.


  • Soccer (Fall)

  • Cross Country (Fall)

  • Volleyball (Fall)

  • Basketball (Winter)

  • Badminton (Winter)

  • Wrestling (Winter/Spring)

  • Flag Football (Spring)

  • Softball (Spring)

  • Track & Field (Spring)



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